Daily Potomac flow and demand update (Sunday 08/07/2011)

Submitted by admin1 on Sun, 08/07/2011 - 09:00

Over the past 24 hours there has been significant precipitation in parts of the Potomac basin, with 1/4 of an inch to over 1 inch falling in most areas. The Middle Atlantic Forecast Center predicts between 0.25 and 0.50 inches of accumulation over the next five days.

Daily Flows:
Little Falls gage flow 08/06: 910 MGD (1410 cfs)
Little Falls gage flow 08/07: 1090 MGD (est., based on recently available real time data) (1680 cfs)
Note: Gage flow at Little Falls is measured after water supply withdrawals.
Point of Rocks flow 08/06: 1160 MGD (1800 cfs)
Point of Rocks flow 08/07: 1160 MGD (est., based on recently available real time data) (1800 cfs)

Net Potomac Production (08/06/11):
FW Corbalis raw water withdrawal (Potomac): 118 MGD
WSSC Potomac Production: 142 MGD
Aqueduct withdrawal: 167 MGD
Total Potomac demand: 427 MGD

AM Report
Daily Monitoring