Daily Potomac flow and demand update (Friday 10/11/2013)

Submitted by admin1 on Fri, 10/11/2013 - 09:00

Point of Rocks flow is at 4,820 cfs. Within the last 24 hours the Potomac basin has received between 0.1 and 5 inches of precipitation. Rain is expected to continue over the next 72 hours bringing new precipitation amounts between 0.25 and 2 inches.

With rain continuing to fall across much of the basin, and Point of Rocks flow being above the low flow monitoring threshold of 2,000 cfs, daily monitoring will be discontinued until further notice. Thank you to all for your contribution to the monitoring efforts.

Daily Flows:
Little Falls gage flow 10/10: 1400 MGD (2170 cfs)
Little Falls gage flow 10/11: 1610 MGD (est., based on recently available real time data) (2489 cfs)
Note: Gage flow at Little Falls is measured after water supply withdrawals.
Point of Rocks flow 10/10: 1470 MGD (2270 cfs)
Point of Rocks flow 10/11: 3120 MGD (est., based on recently available real time data) (4820 cfs)

Potomac Demand (10/10/13):
FW Corbalis raw water withdrawal (Potomac): 84 MGD
WSSC Potomac Withdrawal: 104 MGD
Aqueduct withdrawal: 126 MGD
Total Potomac withdrawals: 313 MGD

AM Report
Daily Monitoring