Daily Potomac flow and demand update (Monday 10/07/2013)

Submitted by admin1 on Mon, 10/07/2013 - 09:00

Flow at the Point of Rocks gage dropped approximately 400 cfs over the weekend. The western portion of the basin received between trace amounts and 0.5 inches of rain over the last 24 hours. The 72-hour forecast shows a chance of 0.5 to 1.25 inches of rain across the basin. The NOAA/MARFC briefing from Sunday, October 6, indicates that this rain is from a cold front crossing the region, not from Tropical Depression Karen. The heaviest rain is expected east of the I-95 corridor.

Daily Flows:
Little Falls gage flow 10/06: 1070 MGD (1650 cfs)
Little Falls gage flow 10/07: 890 MGD (est., based on recently available real time data) (1370 cfs)
Note: Gage flow at Little Falls is measured after water supply withdrawals.
Point of Rocks flow 10/06: 950 MGD (1470 cfs)
Point of Rocks flow 10/07: 920 MGD (est., based on recently available real time data) (1420 cfs)

Potomac Demand (10/06/13):
FW Corbalis raw water withdrawal (Potomac): 108 MGD
WSSC Potomac Withdrawal: 141 MGD
Aqueduct withdrawal: 138 MGD
Total Potomac withdrawals: 387 MGD

AM Report
Daily Monitoring