Daily Potomac flow and demand update (Saturday 10/04/2014)

Submitted by admin1 on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 09:00

This email reports observed flows and demands as part of ongoing drought operations. A separate email will be provided with today's information for the annual drought exercise.

The National Weather Service reports that 0.1 to 1.5 inches of rain fell in the basin in the last 24-hour period. A few small areas of the basin received as much as 1.75 inches of rain in the last 24-hour period. There is 0 to 0.5 inches of rain in the 72-hour forecast. The 7-day forecast indicates accumulations between 0.1 and 1.5 inches of rain possible across the basin.

Point of Rocks flows are currently above the low-flow threshold of 2,000 cfs. We will continue daily monitoring until data shows that flows will likely stay above this threshold for some time.

Daily Flows:
Little Falls gage flow 10/03: 1610 MGD (2490 cfs)
Little Falls gage flow 10/04: 1490 MGD (est., based on recently available real time data) (2300 cfs)
Note: Gage flow at Little Falls is measured after water supply withdrawals.
Point of Rocks flow 10/03: 1270 MGD (1960 cfs)
Point of Rocks flow 10/04: 1330 MGD (est., based on recently available real time data) (2050 cfs)

Net Potomac Production (10/03/14):
FW Corbalis raw water withdrawal (Potomac): 96 MGD
WSSC Potomac Production: 124 MGD
Aqueduct withdrawal: 138 MGD
Total Potomac demand: 358 MGD

AM Report
Daily Monitoring