Daily Potomac flow and demand update (Tuesday, 2024-07-23)

Submitted by snummer on Tue, 07/23/2024 - 12:22

Situational Awareness (Tuesday, 2024-07-23)
Just over 0.4 inches of rain fell across the basin yesterday. According to the Middle Atlantic River Forecast Center predictions, the next 24 hours may see 0.3 inches of rain. Over the next 3 days, the average basin rainfall may be around 0.6 inches. 

Special Conditions

Recent basin-wide average precipitation (above Little Falls):
(based on CO-OP's Low Flow Forecast System analysis of Middle Atlantic River Forecast Center (MARFC) gridded multisensor precipitation estimates)
Yesterday's area-weighted average basin precipitation: 0.44 (inches)
Past 3-day cumulative area-weighted average basin precipitation: 0.61 (inches)
Past 7-day cumulative area-weighted average basin precipitation: 0.93 (inches)

Daily flows:
Little Falls gage flow 2024-07-22: 692 MGD (1070 cfs)
Little Falls gage flow 2024-07-23: 711 MGD (est., based on recently available real-time data) (1100 cfs)
Note: Gage flow at Little Falls is measured after water supply withdrawals.
Point of Rocks flow 2024-07-22: 892 MGD (1380 cfs)
Point of Rocks flow 2024-07-23: 918 MGD (est., based on recently available real-time data) (1420 cfs)

Yesterday's estimated daily flows:
Great Falls estimated flow 2024-07-22: 749 MGD (1160 cfs)
Note: Estimated flow below Great Falls intake is flow at Little Falls plus Little Falls water supply withdrawal.

Yesterday's Washington metropolitan area Potomac River withdrawals and discharges (2024-07-22):
Fairfax Water Corbalis withdrawal - Potomac: 107 MGD
WSSC Water Potomac withdrawal: 146 MGD
Washington Aqueduct withdrawal - Great Falls: 91 MGD
Washington Aqueduct withdrawal - Little Falls: 57 MGD
Loudoun Water withdrawal: 13 MGD
Loudoun Water Broad Run discharge: 6 MGD
Total Potomac withdrawal: 415 MGD
Total net Potomac withdrawal: 409 MGD

Loudoun Water Potomac River (PR) flow values for drought operations protocol (based on yesterday's flows):
QPR: 1380 cfs
QPR, obs: 1380 cfs
QPR, WS: 0 cfs

Note to Loudoun Water: See NWS ensemble flow forecasts (HEFS, GEFS, NAEFS) for Point of Rocks flow for the next 7 days – https://www.weather.gov/erh/mmefs_marfc?id=PORM2&model=NAEFS. See US Army Corps of Engineers Potomac River Basin page for observed releases from Savage and Jennings Randolph reservoirs - https://www.nab-wc.usace.army.mil/nab/poto.html; See US Army Corps of Engineers North Branch Potomac River and Savage River page for scheduled releases - https://www.nab-wc.usace.army.mil/nab/northBranch.html.

Note: Potomac River flow at Point of Rocks has dropped below the low-flow threshold of 2,000 cfs. When this occurs, per the Water Supply Coordination Agreement of 1982, CO-OP begins daily monitoring and reporting of Potomac flows and withdrawals on behalf of the CO-OP suppliers, Fairfax Water, Washington Aqueduct, and WSSC Water. Suppliers can review data at CO-OP's Data Portal at www.icprbcoop.org. Reports formatted in approved templates should be submitted by email to coop@icprb.org by 8:00 am for automated processing. Published monitoring reports are at http://icprbcoop.org/products/monitoring-reports.

Daily Monitoring