Monitoring Reports

During periods of drought, the Cooperative Water Supply Operations on the Potomac (CO-OP) helps manage the Washington metropolitan area water supply system by coordinating withdrawals from the Potomac River and off-river reservoirs and recommending releases from upstream reservoirs when forecasted flow in the river is not sufficient to meet expected needs. These needs include water demands and an environmental flow-by of 100 million gallons per day (MGD) on the Potomac River at Little Falls dam near Washington, D.C.

Discontinuing Daily Monitoring - Potomac flow and demand update, (Wednesday 10/21/09)

Submitted by admin1 on Wed, 10/21/2009 - 09:00

Flow at Point of Rocks is currently 2,710 cfs. The Potomac basin is forecasted to receive 0.75 to 1.00 inch of rain over the next five days. The Corps continues its release from Savage Reservoir of approximately 100 cfs.

Flow at Point of Rocks has remained above the low flow monitoring threshold for several days running. Therefore, daily monitoring will be discontinued until further notice. Thank you to all for your contribution to the monitoring efforts. If flow at Point of Rocks drops below 2,000 cfs, daily monitoring will be resumed.